The awareness program started with the welcome address by Mr. Sangam, President Rotaract followed by a presentation on MS by Dr. Shashikanth, a yoga therapist. Presentation comprised of the description of MS, causes, symptoms, types and management of the same. The doctor also mentioned the activities done by MSSI, Bangalore Chapter. Then the student Rotaract coordinator gave an introduction about the guest speaker, Mrs. Geetha Balaji. Mrs. Balaji shared her personal experience about MS and captured all the audience’s mind and soul through her motivational speech. After that, the floor was open for question and answer session by students which were cleared by Dr. Shashikanth. Then the Rotaract coordinators felicitated the volunteers of MSSI and delivered the vote of thanks. The meeting winded up by a group photo, followed by refreshments.
Dr. Shashikanth -Yoga Therapist
Mrs. Rani – Administrator
Ms. Meera Mariyam – Medico Social Worker
Mrs.Geetha Balaji -Member
Mrs.Padmapriyachari -Member
DAY : Thursday, September 27th 2018
TIME : 3 pm – 4 pm
PLACE: Presidency College Seminar Hall.