MSSI – Chennai Chapter monthly “Face to Face” Programme was held on 27-07-2019. The Chief Guest for the day was Dr. Alpha Khakhar practising Gynecologist, Obstetrician & Gynecologist and a Urogynecologist with an experience of 18 years.
Dr. Alpha Khakhar addressed the gathering on the topic “Multiple sclerosis and Incontinence”. She explained the connection between the brain and bladder. She also gave a case study of an actor Ms. Selma Blair an actress who is also diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and lives positively with the “will power” as an example of our MSP’s. She also explained about urinary incontinence diagnosis and assessment procedure followed by the treatment process. She spoke on Diet and nutrition to try gluten-free food. And she also focused on two important aspects i.e. exercise and stress management in that she specified the “Laughter therapy”. After the session, our CSR partners – BNY Mellon volunteers conducted games for the MS person and caregivers, followed by our MS persons Ms. Banumathy, Ms. Farzana, Ms. Gomathi birthday celebrations. Everyone had delicious Snacks and the meeting came to a happy ending.