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India MS Day at PMSSY Hospital

By February 7, 2020February 21st, 2020Bengaluru

To commemorate India MS Day an Awareness program cum panel discussion was held at PMSSY Hospital (Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana) – Victoria Hospital Campus on 07 Feb 2020.

More than 100 people had gathered which includes MS persons, caretakers, Doctors, Volunteers, Government officials etc.

The Chief Guest & Speakers for the event were:

  • Veteran Actor Sri. Srinath – Chief Guest
  • Geetha Patil – Deputy Director, Dept. of the Empowerment of Differently Abled & Senior Citizens
  • Umesh – District Disabled Welfare Officer
  • Rajesh B. Iyer – Neurologist, Vikram Hospital
  • Shashikant – Integrated Medicine specialist


  • Praveen Kumar – HOD, Neurology Dept., PMSSY – BMC & RI
  • Archana. B – Professor of Neurology, PMSSY – BMC & RI
  • Karthik – Associate Professor, PMSSY – BMC & RI
  • D. C.Janardhan – Assistant Professor, PMSSY – BMC & RI
  • Suhas – Assistant Professor, PMSSY – BMC & RI
  • Manoj Alluri – Neurology Resident – PMSSY – BMC & RI
  • Sanketh – Neurology Resident – PMSSY – BMC & RI
  • Nirupama. C – Neuro Physiotherapist – PMSSY – BMC & RI

The program started with lighting the lamp by the Chief Guest, Actor Srinath, Smt. Geetha Patil, Mr. Umesh, Dr. Praveen Kumar & Narayan Rao – MS person.

The invocation was rendered by Ms. Shruti followed by welcome address by Mr. Punkaj Gupta.

Mementoes were given to all the dignitaries present. Chief guest Veteran Actor Srinath spoke about the difficulties faced by MS affected persons & also told the audience that MSSI Bengaluru Chapter has organized this program as a platform for MS persons to discuss their difficulties & problems faced with the panel of Doctors & Government officials & to make use of this rare opportunity. He also wished all MS persons to follow as per the Doctor’s advice & stay healthy.

MS persons Geetha Balaji & Gautam Kashyap were given an opportunity to share their experience & challenges faced after their diagnosis of MS.

Dr. Manoj Alluri spoke on the topic About MS followed by Neuro Rehabilitation in MS by Dr. Nirupama. C. Dr. Shashikanth, Yoga therapist taught a few exercises on Mind & Body Relaxation.

After the yoga session, a Panel Discussion was held which was moderated by Mr. Punkaj Gupta. It was a good interaction between the Doctors, Government Officials & MS persons. Mr. Umesh Chandrashekar & Smt. Geetha Patil explained about the various schemes to be availed through UDID card. MSSI also submitted a project proposal to Smt. Geetha Patil & Mr. Umesh Chandrashekar at this point of time to take it forward to the concerned Government officials.

Main points mentioned in the project proposal were:

Objectives – Rehabilitation centre cum office for MSSI

  • Mobilize all of us inside the movement –  organizations, people affected by MS, volunteers, donors and staff, to achieve our common mission to improve the quality of life of people affected by MS.
  • To expand our work all around the districts in Karnataka & provide services.
  • To bring Staff training program for administering Official work and therapies.
  • It is built on the conviction that if we work together we can achieve this faster and better than if we each work on our own.

Smt. Geetha Patil, Deputy Director Dept. of the Empowerment of Differently Abled & Senior Citizens assured us that she would take it forward. She also invited the MSSI Committee to meet her next week to take this proposal forward.

Finally, Mr. Punkaj Gupta rendered Vote of thanks & thanked all the dignitaries, Doctors, MS persons, caretakers & volunteers for their support in attending this event & making it a grand success.

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