To Commemorate the World MS Day 2024, the Multiple Sclerosis Society of India (MSSI), Chennai Chapter conducted a two–day skit programme on the 28th and 30th of May at Chennai Airport as part of their awareness campaign on Multiple Sclerosis disease. Multiple Sclerosis is a rare auto-immune disease of the Central nervous system which drastically affects the quality of life of an individual, also disrupting their ADL (Activities of Daily Life).
The skit portrayed the life of a character named Amudha, a choreographer in her early thirties who is diagnosed with MS all of a sudden. It was enacted by a team of youngsters who depicted the transition of Amudha’s life by ending with a positive note, in order to create an impact on how MS can disrupt one’s life and how one can inculcate self-confidence in themselves even at hard times.
About 1000 leaflets (in Tamil as well as in English language) were also distributed over two days to the incoming and outgoing passengers and other visitors at the Airport. The MS persons along with their caretakers also participated in the event.