The Pune Chapter held a Diaper Distribution event on 11 March 2023 at their office. The chapter utilized BNY Mellon funds earmarked for adult diapers. The event began with a brief introduction about MSSI and its activities. Mohna Paranjpe, PwMS spoke about her journey with MS. Post the speeches, wrapped packets of diapers were handed over by BNY volunteers to the members of MSSI. The diapers were presented to MSSI and not directly to PwMS to avoid discomfort.
An icebreaker session was also conducted where members and volunteers planted saplings in earthen pots. The chapter will nurture these plants. The very enthusiastic volunteers also got involved in wrapping around 50 prizes and gifts for our next event. They took it upon themselves as a part of the volunteering efforts. It was a great event and a wonderful way to introduce new employees from BNY Mellon to volunteering.